
A good coffee from back home...Zambia Terranova

I have been contemplating going back to Soho to get my coffee supplies replenished, but this rare find in Sainsburys saved me the trek to central London. The taste is not as sour as I would like and it has not got the heavy taste I have become accustomed to. Anyway I would give it a 3/5.


A delightfully parallel problem

I am currently recruiting and part of this process involves the analysis of lots of CVs. This can be quite time consuming, so I have decided that I will expedite the process by developing a small text mining application that analyzes the resumes and produces a signature for each document. The most commons words in the CV will then be readout by the computer and if I like the sound of the digest I will shortlist the candidate.

The essential parts of text mining are being able to tokenize the document and filtering out noise words. Thanks to PLINQ, I can do the following:

PLINQ clusters words in doc
  1. private static IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, string>> CalculateWordFrequency(string[] content)
  2. {
  3.     var groupedWords =
  4.         content.Select(word => word.ToLowerInvariant()).GroupBy(word => word.ToLowerInvariant()).Where(
  5.             word => word.Count<string>() > 2);
  6.     return groupedWords.AsParallel();
  7. }

The document tokenizer approach is fairly naive and could do with more work.

After we have grouped the words in each resume, we then use the Microsoft Speech API found in the namespace, System.Speech.Synthesis to recite the most common terms

Reciting the most common terms
  1. public static void ReciteResume()
  2. {
  3.     using (var speechSynthesizer = new SpeechSynthesizer())
  4.         foreach (var item in GetGroupedTermsInResume(FilterContent(TokenizeContent(ReadDocument()))))
  5.         {
  6.             speechSynthesizer.SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice();
  7.             speechSynthesizer.Speak(item.Key);
  8.         }
  9. }

I have already hired a dozen plus developers using the traditional filtering approach, so it would be interesting to see how the results of the automated CV selection process compare.

An alternative method of representing the CV digest is to generate a logarithmic plot,  “signature file” as shown below. I wonder what signature represents an ideal candidate. I would probably need to analyze large amounts of data to arrive at an empirically valid conclusion.


Incidentally this candidate was not hired as their CV contained a lot of buzzwords and they could not explain how they had used the technologies.

And this is what it sounds like [audio file].


You gotta love Design By Contract

Code Snippet
  1. [TestMethod]
  2. [ExpectedException(typeof(TradingServiceException))]
  3. public void ShouldThrowExceptionForInvalidTrade()
  4. {
  5.     var mockTrade = new Mock<AbstractTrade>(MockBehavior.Strict);
  6.     mockTrade.SetupAllProperties();
  8.     mockTrade.Setup(trade => trade.IsValid()).Returns(false);
  10.     var tradeManager = new TradeManager(mockTrade.Object);
  11.     tradeManager.Execute();
  13.     mockTrade.Verify();   
  14. }

And when the test fails, we get the following message:

TradeGeneratorTests.ShouldThrowExceptionForInvalidTrade : Failed

Test method Zainco.Commodities.Unit.Tests.TradeGeneratorTests.ShouldThrowExceptionForInvalidTrade threw exception: 
Zainco.Commodities.Exceptions.TradingServiceException: Precondition failed: Trade.IsValid() == true  Trade execution failed

at System.Diagnostics.Contracts.__ContractsRuntime.Requires<TException>(Boolean condition, String message, String conditionText) in :line 0
at Zainco.Commodities.TradingService.TradeManager.Execute() in TradeManager.cs: line 28
at Zainco.Commodities.Unit.Tests.TradeGeneratorTests.ShouldThrowExceptionForInvalidTrade() in TradeGeneratorTests.cs: line 36


CodeContracts break encapsulation and Resharper 5.0 is blissfully unaware of them

Seems I have to make my helper methods public if I want to use them within a code contract, but I avoid this by defining a property with the private setter to end up with the Contract.Requires<TException>(…) implementation below:

Code Snippet
  1. public AbstractTrade Trade
  2. {
  3.     private set { _trade = value; }
  4.     get { return _trade; }
  5. }
  7. public void Execute()
  8. {
  9.     Contract.Requires<TradingServiceException>(Trade.IsValid(),
  10.                                                "Trade execution failed");
  11.     if (TradeExecutedEvent != null)
  12.     {
  13.         TradeExecutedEvent(this, new TradeEventArgs(Trade));
  14.     }

C:\Sandbox\Pricing\CommodityServer\TradingService\TradeManager.cs(24,13): error CC1038: Member 'Zainco.Commodities.TradingService.TradeManager.get_Trade' has less visibility than the enclosing method 'Zainco.Commodities.TradingService.TradeManager.Execute'.
C:\Sandbox\Pricing\CommodityServer\TradingService\TradeManager.cs(24,13): warning CC1036: Detected call to method 'Zainco.Commodities.Interfaces.AbstractTrade.IsValid' without [Pure] in contracts of method 'Zainco.Commodities.TradingService.TradeManager.Execute'.
  elapsed time: 294.0169ms


Are all circular dependencies created equal?

I am using the separated interface pattern to implement a commodity trading engine for a bourse in the emerging markets. My unit test package is mocking one of the interfaces and consequently has a dependency on the interfaces package. Likewise the Service package depends on the interfaces package.

Superficially I appear to have a circular dependency and eager Resharper 5.0 complains about this with a fairly descriptive error message “Failed to reference module. Probably reference will produce circular dependencies between projects.”. The result is that intellisense breaks!



What to do?

Are all circular dependencies created equal? Does it matter that the offending dependency in this case is an abstraction rather than a concrete type?

On further examination, the only real dependency is between the test package and the trading service, the other dependencies essentially enforce the contracts between the interface package and those that must either implement the behaviours defined by this package or use the behaviours provided by these contracts.

Tools hmmm….