
Refactoring to a fluent configuration interface

The starting point was a configuration class that had the following definition:
public const decimal AdultFactor = 6;
public const decimal ChildrenFactor = 3;
public const decimal GasKwHMinEstThreshold = 4000;
These parameters are always used together in the context of a calculation for gas consumption. The client code uses these config values in the following fashion:

calculatedUsageKw = AdjustUsageForRadiators(calculatedUsageKw, GasConfiguration.AdultFactor,
I wanted to give the setting of the gas consumption parameters a fluid feel in the following style
public static IFluentConfiguration Create()
var fluentConfig = new GasConfigurationFluent();


return fluentConfig;

The client code accessing the fluent configuration interface was refactored to:

private decimal? AdjustUsageForRadiators(decimal? calculatedUsageKw, IFluentConfiguration fluentConfig)

The GasConfigurationFluent has setters that take the folllowing general approach:
public IFluentConfiguration SetAdultFactor(decimal? adultFactor)
    AdultFactor = adultFactor;
    return this;
And yes my setters have a return value which is in effect the current context i.e. my fluent configuration.After applying this refactoring, a few things became apparent,
1. The method chaining enforces the fact that these parameters exist in the same context and somewhat provides a cohesive view of my configuration interface. The setting of the configuration values is much more concise.
2. The cohesive nature of this configuration hints at the fact that a DSL(Domain Specific Language) could possibly be built around the calculation of gas consumption.

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